H.O.G.® Benelux
LoH Annual Meeting 2023
We would like to invite you to this LoH@ Benelux Annual Meeting "SPECIAL EDITION"
The 120th Harley-Davidson Motorcycles anniversary & the 40th H.O.G. anniversary !
You are also invited, so we can all celebrate together !
Place to be:
Harley-Davidson Fraussen - Bosdel 49, 3600 Genk (Belgium)
The program :
09:00 AM: Reception with coffee or tea and something sweet
This reception is offered by H-D Franssen
10:00 AM: Start of meeting
12:00: Lunch, with coffee/tea/soft drinks
3 drinks offered by H.O.G Benelux
2:00 PM: LoH surprise activity
3:00 PM: We all sound together with a glass of bubbles
4:00 PM: Return home
Participation is only possible with registration no later than Monday 09/10/2023 via mail with mention of your surname and HOG number.
If you want to include a ride-out on the LoH calendar, please report this in advance mail so that we can include it in the calendar and the presentation.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to this SPECIAL LoH EDITION.