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H.O.G.® Benelux

You've made the commitment to ride a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle.
Now let the Harley Owners Group® give a little back.


Online membership profile
Every H.O.G.® member can create an online membership profile on the official Harley Owners Group® website: This profile will allow you to manage your membership, change your contact-details and so much more: you'll also find exclusive content for H.O.G.-members, chapter-information and ride reports of H.O.G.-members all over the world.

Membership renewal
In order to renew your membership, access your personal membership profile on

Becomming a member of the Harley Owners Group®
Interested in joining the worlds biggest and most successful motorcycle-family? Select the membership of you choice and register on

Full H.O.G. membership
The Full H.O.G. membership only is available for Harley-Davidson®-owners. This membership offers the most complete package of benefits, and is available as:

  • Full Membership

  • Life Membership

Associate H.O.G. membership
Associate membership packages are available for family and friends of Harley-Davdson®-owners that subscribed to a full membership. The number of Associate Memberships that can be added to a Full Membership is unlimited. These packages offer a select number of membership-benefits and are available as:

  • Associate Membership

  • Associate Life Membership


Online membership profile
Every H.O.G. member should create an online membership profile on the official Harley Owners Group website: This profile will allow you to manage your membership, change your contact-details and so much more: you'll also find exclusive content for H.O.G.-members like the online Enthusiast Magazine, chapter-information and ride reports of H.O.G.-members all over the world.

Membership renewal
In order to renew your membership, access your personal membership profile on or the renewal login page.

Questions regarding your H.O.G.® membership?
Don't hesitate to contact the H.O.G.® Customer Care Center in regarding any H.O.G. related question (tel 00800 1111 2223 or email

HOG Membership
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